You've got questions, Tractor Mike has the answers!
I get dozens of questions each month from both new tractor owners and folks who have had a tractor for a while, but need a little info they can't seem to find. Feel free to email me with your questions. Meanwhile, check below to see if there are some helpful hints you can use.

$5700 for a John Deere 4310 Brake Job REALLY?

Cleaning a Creek with a John Deere 3032 Submarine

Should I Use Manufacturer's Oils and Filters?

Someone Tore up Their Bush Hog!

You May Have Bought a Hardy Loader Boat Anchor

How Far Would You Drive a Tractor on the Open Road?

Three Activities That Can End in Disaster All Related to Tractor Braking

How to Use the Front Jack on a Deere 3025E or Any Other FEL Equipped Tractor

Are Mac and I About to Make a Huge Mistake By Buying a Cutter That's Too Big?

Cash or Low Rate, What's the Best Deal When Buying a Tractor (or Car, or Anything With Low Rate)?

Eight Reasons Why Leasing a Tractor is a Terrible Idea

Slip Clutch or Shear Bolt Driveline Protection...Which is Best?

A Korean-Arkansas Tractor Called Montana with a Deere Engine

Tips for Easier Front End Loader Attachment Hookup

Does a Three or Four Cylinder Engine Have More Vibration? What Other Factors Affect Vibration?

Is My Three Point Down Pressure Not Working? (or do I even have it?)

Finding a Mechanic, an Electrician, a Roofer and the Meaning of Life...

How to Brush Hog Blackberries (kick in the PTO, open up the throttle and DRIVE!)

When Do I Use My "Sliders"? (maybe after throwing a fastball?)

Should I Keep My Tractor or Sell It? (what do you think?)

How Long a Trailer Do I Need (is 18' too long for a compact tractor)?

How Do Hours on a Tractor Equate with Miles on a Car?

Tractor Powered or Engine Powered Attachments?

Advice for Buying a Small Cab Tractor

How Soon to Get a Tractor After Buying Property (Don't pull the trigger too early)

Is there a "Power Lawn Raker"?

How Do I Know When My Bucket is Level?

What's the Best Tractor Brand? (Like I'm going to answer that)