Please Note: Many of the Add-A-Grapples may require as long as 60 days or more to build and ship due to supply chain issues. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working with the factory to reduce future lead times.

Single Add-A-Grapple for Sub Compact Tractors



  • Convenient Grapple Kit for The Bucket
  • Easily Converts Front End Loader Bucket into a Grapple Bucket
  • Mini Add-a-Grapple Fits All Buckets 36″ to 55″ Wide
  • Curved Teeth With Wide Grip Means Easy Release of Material
  • Grapple Can Be Removed For Bucket Only Applications
  • Weight: 125 lbs

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Want to add a grapple to your sub compact tractor? The Add-A-Grapple Single is designed to convert SUB COMPACT TRACTOR buckets that are between 36″ and 55″ in width into a compact tractor grapple.  Attach to the sides of the front end loader bucket and you’ve got a front end loader grapple! It only requires drilling eight holes. This is an easy and affordable way for small tractor owners to be outfitted with an add on grapple bucket. This unit is recommended for 26 hp tractors and under. The grapple portion is removable for loader work while the mount stays in place.

NOTE: The Add-A-Grapple requires hydraulic flow to function. If your tractor is not equipped with front bucket remote hydraulic connections, they can be added to most loaders by ordering the MP020 X-tra Valve Kit.

Read More About The Hydraulic Converter Valve Kit Here

Single Add a Grapple Does Not Include Hoses And Hydraulic Fittings – Lengths Of Hoses And Type Of Fittings Vary So They’re Not Included In This Kit

“I added this to my JD 1025R and could not be happier! Been using it for a year and a half now, and it is the most used attachment I own. I leave it on 99% of the time. I never seem to know when I need to pick up a load of limbs or brush and I can just drive up to the pile and haul it off. May not be as handy and easy as a dedicated grapple but fo the once a week or so I need to move brush it is perfect and handy. I can still use the bucket for daily hauling tasks the same as without having the grapple. Works great for moving rocks around also, helps to keep the big ones from falling out of the bucket. There is a tiny learning curve to get good at picking brush up but even my wife has gotten good at it (and she seldom runs the tractor).” – Greg G., Missouri

Hi Mike, just checking in to see how everything is. Hope you and the family are doing well.

I have been wanting to send you these pictures of my Kubota little BX25D in action with your Add-a-Grapple that I purchased from you last year. Boy, I tell you, this is without a doubt one of the most useful attachments ever. It just brings me to a full-fledged smile every time I use it. I am getting so good at it, I never need to get out of the seat.  Recently removed about 60’ of mature  box hedge because it was pushing over a retaining wall and the retaining wall needs to be rebuilt anyhow. Check out these pictures. The first picture: yes, there is a tractor behind that pile of brush.

Add a grapple has proven itself to me,  and is the best bang for the buck attachment you can put on your tractor. Tell those guys down at Precision they build one hell of a product.  – Take care friend, Steve S., Washington

Additional information

Weight 152 lbs
Dimensions 60 × 48 × 25 in

1 review for Single Add-A-Grapple for Sub Compact Tractors

  1. Greg Grooms

    I added this to my JD 1025R and could not be happier! Been using it for a year and a half now and it is the most used attachment I own. I leave it on 99% of the time. I never seem to know when I need to pick up a load of limbs or brush and I can just drive up to the pile and haul it off. May not be as handy and easy as a dedicated grapple but fo the once a week or so I need to move brush it is perfect and handy. I can still use the bucket for daily hauling tasks the same as without having the grapple. Works great for moving rocks around also, helps to keep the big ones from falling out of the bucket. There is a tiny learning curve to get good at picking brush up but even my wife has gotten good at it.and she seldom runs the tractor.

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