Three-Point Hitch to Skid Loader Universal Quick Attach Adapter


PLEASE NOTE: Because of the large number of quick attach kits that we offer, many have to be hand-build after the order is placed.  Allow as long as 60 days or more to build and ship uncommon kits. In stock kits will be shipped immediately.  If you would like, just contact us at to find out if the kit for your application is available for immediate shipping.

Have you ever wanted to use a skid-loader compatible implement on the back of your tractor three-point hitch?  Here’s a kit that allows you to do just that.  It opens up a whole new world of possibilities.  Here are just a few…

Maybe you have a tractor without a front end loader.  Rather than spend all of that money to buy a new loader, get this kit and put the attachments on the back of the tractor.

What if you had a grapple and you wanted to pick up items that were heavier that a front end loader could manage?  Put this kit on the tractor 3 point hitch and you nearly double your lift capacity while keeping the weight over the drive wheels, maintaining traction and staying safe.

Maybe you have a quick attach tree puller and there are just certain trees that the tractor can’t budge with the front end loader.  Hook on this kit and attach the puller on the back and you can greatly expand the size of tree that can be uprooted.

As you can likely see, the possibilities of having this kit are nearly endless.  Folks who purchase it constantly note the new uses they find for it, it making their tractors much more productive!

The Three-Point Hitch to Skid Loader Universal Quick Attach Adapter comes in both Category I and II versions.  If your lower link arm balls are 7/8″ diameter, get the Cat I version, if they’re 1 1/8″, get the Cat II.  The kits are built heavy…the Category I version weighs 106 lbs. while the Category II model weighs a whopping 190 lbs.!

This hitch is all American made and built to lift anything the tractor three point can pick up.  It’ll open up a whole new world of possibilities to make your tractor more productive!

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  • U.S.A. made
  • Available in Category I and Category II configurations
  • Functions best with a hydraulic top link which can be ordered here:
  • Heavy…Cat I weighs 106 lbs., Cat II weighs 190 lbs.
  • Allows the use of skid loader compatible/Universal/”Bobcat” implements on tractor three point
  • Allows the use of skid loader attachments on a tractor with no front end loader
  • Infinite possibilities to increase the productivity of your tractor

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Category I Three Point, Category II Three Point


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